Spirit of the False Prophet

The stage is being set for global tyranny in previously unimaginable ways. Yesterday’s science fiction stories have become today’s headlines as technological advancements provide powerful new tools in the Luciferian arsenal. Thanks to stunning developments in the realm of artificial intelligence, a full spectrum planetary control grid is now well within reach for Satan’s earthly co-conspirators.
The two-volume series, Spirit of the Antichrist, exposed various ways Satan’s accomplices are pulling the strings of world affairs and building an empire cloaked in deception, setting the stage for the arrival of the Antichrist. Spirit of the False Prophet continues the investigation into the Luciferian Conspiracy by digging deeper into the role of the Antichrist's henchman, the False Prophet. How will AI, biometric surveillance, digital currency, and a global ID system pave the way for the coming global technocracy and the mark of the Beast?
For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. (Ephesians 6:12)
In the shadowy corridors of the not-too-distant future, humanity stands on the brink of an age like no other. Possibility and uncertainty intertwine in a rapidly maturing digital age, teetering on a precipice where progress and peril intersect. Within this convoluted context, a formidable technology emerges, cloaked in the allure of artificial intelligence, or AI.
While few have been paying attention, AI has become so pervasive it has blurred the lines between physical and virtual reality. Hidden within this dazzling display of human invention lurks an insidious potential. Could it be that the False Prophet foretold in the book of Revelation will exploit this extraordinary technology to orchestrate a global system of control?
Centuries ago, the Apostle John penned a mysterious vision granted to him on the Island of Patmos, painting a stark montage of an age to come. According to this vision, at a time when the Antichrist sits at the helm of world control, another pivotal figure will emerge. The Bible calls him the False Prophet who will deceive many, wielding signs and wonders to lead the unsuspecting world into the sinister snare of the Antichrist.
The False Prophet will exercise great authority and make the earth and its inhabitants worship the Antichrist, also known as the Beast, who will rule the world at Satan’s behest for seven years (Revelation 13:12-13). In essence, the False Prophet will be a master of deception, a simultaneous cheerleader and manager of the Beast system. He will be a master puppeteer manipulating the global stage toward an agenda of full spectrum planetary control.
In the present day, we are witnesses to a technological revolution unparalleled in human history. AI has emerged as a prodigious force, creeping not so subtly into the very fabric of our society. Through the interconnected web of the internet, AI has gained a ubiquity that is unprecedented and unsettling. It learns from us, imitates us, and, in some ways, surpasses us.
What happens when the vast repository of digital data now readily available falls into the wrong hands? The False Prophet, equipped with the potency of artificial intelligence, could wield a power previously unimaginable—not merely influencing but controlling, not just observing but dictating, a world where every action, every decision, every thought is observed, analyzed, and regulated under a single, unifying network. As Edmund Burke warned, “The greater the power, the more dangerous the abuse.”
In a technologically advanced landscape, the reality of the “mark of the Beast” as described in Revelation 13:16-17 could feasibly take root. It could very well be an encoded, subdermal, digital identity, used to control the economic transactions and personal freedoms of every human being on earth. Such a dystopian world is no longer beyond the realm of imagination. The seeds have been sown and are growing fast, and the potential for a centralized worldwide system is more plausible than ever. Through the seemingly benign appeal of convenience, connectivity, and progress, the sinister underbelly of AI-controlled existence might gradually unfurl, paving the way for the ultimate deception.
As chilling as this sounds, this book is not a call to fear, but to understanding and vigilance. It is an invitation to discern the signs of the times and prepare for what lies ahead (Matthew 16:2-3). While the Antichrist and False Prophet will not take their perch on the global throne until after the Rapture, the early rumblings of their technocratic tyranny are already upon us. If the Lord does not return soon, rapid advancements in AI technology may result in a world that is entirely different than what most of us have experienced in our lifetimes.
As we progress through the following pages, we will navigate through the prophetic Scriptures, current technological trends, and their looming intersection. We will explore the implications of artificial intelligence, big data, and global digital connectivity on liberty, privacy, and morality. We will seek to discern what it means to live faithfully as Christians in the waning moments of the last days. And above all, we will sound a clarion call to unbelievers: Time is short. Trust in Jesus Christ as your Savior today!
What you just read in the opening paragraphs of this preface was a collaborative effort between myself and someone I have never met. Not only have I not met him, but I have also never spoken to him. In fact, my collaborator is not even a “he.” I composed the first part of this preface with the aid of an artificial intelligence system known as ChatGPT. I gave it the following prompt: “Your role is to be a Christian author writing an introductory chapter for your new book about how the False Prophet from the book of Revelation might use artificial intelligence to bring about a one-world system for global dominance.”
In answering the prompt, the AI showed an impressive grasp of the subject matter even though it did not always connect the theological dots smoothly. The AI’s solo draft also was repetitive in a few places, and its grammatical conventions were a bit clumsy. But after some edits and word substitutions, I was able to make the final draft, which you just read, sound more like something I would have written myself than it did in its raw form. Overall, the essay was solidly on point. I would not say, “I couldn’t have said it better myself,” but if I were sitting across the table from a friend at a coffee shop, and he worded it the way the AI originally composed its response, I would have replied, “Well said!”
I included my collaboration with the AI in this preface because I wanted to illustrate the intersection of AI technology and deception. Already thousands of authors, Christian and secular alike, have turned to AI to meet publishing deadlines and overcome the ever-present menace of writer’s block. In just a few short years, thanks to large language model (LLM) AI systems like OpenAI’s ChatGPT and Google’s Bard, the print and online publishing world has become a jumbled amalgamation of genuine and fallacious work product.
The challenge of distinguishing reality from virtual reality is by no means limited to the realm of written text. The tentacles of AI reach well beyond the applications of textually based LLM’s to include audio recordings, video productions, artwork, graphic design, and other arenas where trickery can easily hide, and verisimilitude can flourish. It is this ease with which artificial intelligence can engender subterfuge that makes it an ideal weapon in the hands of the future False Prophet.
At a time when deception will be rampant, a technology that amplifies deceitfulness will be extremely valuable in the hands of Satan’s earthly leaders. How will the False Prophet be able to convince the world that the Antichrist has godlike omniscience? What will persuade the citizens of the world during the tribulation to believe the image of the Antichrist is actually the Antichrist himself? How will the Beast and the False Prophet be able to feign vast amounts of power and control, simulating omnipresence? How will the slain Antichrist be resurrected? AI answers these questions and more.
In Spirit of the False Prophet: Rise of the Global Technocracy, I continue to explore the stage-setting events on the world scene that I examined in my two Spirit of the Antichrist books. In this book, we zoom in on the role of the False Prophet as he locks down the planet under the direction of the Antichrist. I am certain that Satan and his earthly accomplices will be no less displeased with the information disclosed in this book than they were the content of my Spirit of the Antichrist books.
As I recounted in the preface to Spirit of the Antichrist Volume Two, the presence of spiritual warfare as I write and speak about these matters is relentless. When I began putting pen to paper, or more accurately fingers to the keyboard, for this present book, the enemy reared his ugly head once again. In the summer of 2023, the front range region of Colorado where the NBW Ministries office is located faced weeks of unprecedented rain and flooding. Unfortunately, our home and ministry office did not escape unscathed. We suffered extensive and costly damage, the adverse effects of which we are still dealing with as this book goes to print.
Nevertheless, our faith remains stronger than ever as we watched the Lord provide and protect our family, ministry, and church time after time. The enemy’s attacks give God the opportunity to “show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him” (2 Chronicles 16:9). I am as resolute as I ever have been in my determination to spread the message of the Gospel and the soon coming of Jesus Christ far and wide, especially in these great last days of deception. Now more than ever, believers need to awaken to the stark reality of the spirit of the Antichrist and the spirit of the False Prophet which are all around us (1 John 4:1-3). Even more urgent is the need for unbelievers to come to faith in Christ.
As always, I encourage you to read this book with a critical eye and analyze everything through the lens of Scripture. Do not simply take my word for it. In my previous two books, some of you were exposed to realities you had never considered before. In this book, given the rapidly advancing nature of artificial intelligence, as well as other bleeding edge technologies, I suspect all of us, not just recent initiates to the subject of the Luciferian Conspiracy, will be grappling with novel subjects, terms, and concepts. And since the Luciferian smokescreen blinded me for many years, I have nothing but empathy for those who have not yet awakened to the obfuscation.
Before we begin, please allow me to mention a few housekeeping matters. First, this book presupposes a basic understanding of the Luciferian Conspiracy. I cover this extensively in Spirit of the Antichrist Volumes One and Two. If you are not familiar with it, I encourage you to read these previous two volumes. Because it is a critical underlying concept to the material covered in this present work, I will define it here for those who may not have read my other books. The “Luciferian Conspiracy” refers to Satan’s long-standing plot that began with his fall from Heaven and his attempt to take over this world and make it his own. It represents the evil side in the cosmic battle between good and evil, between God and Satan.
A “conspiracy” is any villainous plan, usually secretive, set forth by two or more entities to perpetrate a crime or commit evil. Satan’s co-conspirators in this grand conspiracy include demons and other evil spirits, as well as the global elite, who for centuries have represented Satan’s boots on the ground, his human accomplices, as he attempts to deceive the whole world (Revelation 12:9).
Second, throughout this volume, I will capitalize False Prophet whenever it refers to the Antichrist’s future sidekick, his second in command. When referring to false prophets in general, those who promote lies and false doctrines, I will not capitalize it.
Third, I am assuming most readers have a basic understanding of biblical eschatology. Realizing this may not be the case for everyone, I will do my best to clarify key eschatological terms and concepts as they arise. However, for those who desire or need a more detailed study of God’s end times plan as revealed in the Bible, I recommend my eschatology textbook, What Lies Ahead: A Biblical Overview of the End Times, available at NotByWorks.org/store.
Fourth, as you read this book, if you have questions or comments along the way, please reach out to me directly. My contact information can be found in the epilogue. Thank you for joining me as we dive into a subject few people have the desire or stomach to research.
False Narratives and False Prophets
The Definition of a False Prophet
The Demise of False Prophets
The Determination of False Prophets
Jesus’ Warnings about False Prophets
Church Age False Prophets
End Times False Prophets
Rule by Technology
A Good Idea Gone Bad
Worshipping at the Altar of Technology
Technocracy and Transhumanism
Global Hegemony
The Twilight of America
The Role of a 2iC
Infamous Consiglieri
U.S. Vice Presidents
What’s Good for the Goose…
Cohort of Klaus Schwab
Cheerleader for Globalism
Crusader for Technocracy
Champion of Transhumanism
Summary of Yuval Noah Harari
“I’m sorry Dave. I’m afraid I can’t do that.”
A Chat About ChatGPT
Definition and Origins of Artificial Intelligence
Threats of Artificial Intelligence
Manifestations of Artificial Intelligence
Jesus, the Bible, and Artificial Intelligence
Summary of Artificial Intelligence
Data Harvesting
Mind Control
Implantable Technology
All-Encompassing Surveillance
The Coming Global Digital ID
More Stick, Less Carrot
Money, Central Banks, and the United States
Hijacking America
Digital Currency
AI and Digital Currency
Fly Under the Radar
Developing a Preparedness Portfolio
Building a Preparedness Stockpile
The Misuse and Abuse of Romans 13
Fool Me Once…
Luciferians in Sheep’s Clothing
Technocratic Tyranny
Historical Henchmen, Lackeys, and Wingmen|
Yuval Noah Harari: A Wolf in Wolf’s Clothing
Artificial Intelligence: Science Fiction No Longer
Hacking and Tracking Humanity
Now You See It, Now You Don’t
Escaping the Prison Planet
The False Prophet’s Day of Reckoning
The two-volume series, Spirit of the Antichrist, exposed various ways Satan’s accomplices are pulling the strings of world affairs and building an empire cloaked in deception, setting the stage for the arrival of the Antichrist. Spirit of the False Prophet continues the investigation into the Luciferian Conspiracy by digging deeper into the role of the Antichrist's henchman, the False Prophet. How will AI, biometric surveillance, digital currency, and a global ID system pave the way for the coming global technocracy and the mark of the Beast?
For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. (Ephesians 6:12)
In the shadowy corridors of the not-too-distant future, humanity stands on the brink of an age like no other. Possibility and uncertainty intertwine in a rapidly maturing digital age, teetering on a precipice where progress and peril intersect. Within this convoluted context, a formidable technology emerges, cloaked in the allure of artificial intelligence, or AI.
While few have been paying attention, AI has become so pervasive it has blurred the lines between physical and virtual reality. Hidden within this dazzling display of human invention lurks an insidious potential. Could it be that the False Prophet foretold in the book of Revelation will exploit this extraordinary technology to orchestrate a global system of control?
Centuries ago, the Apostle John penned a mysterious vision granted to him on the Island of Patmos, painting a stark montage of an age to come. According to this vision, at a time when the Antichrist sits at the helm of world control, another pivotal figure will emerge. The Bible calls him the False Prophet who will deceive many, wielding signs and wonders to lead the unsuspecting world into the sinister snare of the Antichrist.
The False Prophet will exercise great authority and make the earth and its inhabitants worship the Antichrist, also known as the Beast, who will rule the world at Satan’s behest for seven years (Revelation 13:12-13). In essence, the False Prophet will be a master of deception, a simultaneous cheerleader and manager of the Beast system. He will be a master puppeteer manipulating the global stage toward an agenda of full spectrum planetary control.
In the present day, we are witnesses to a technological revolution unparalleled in human history. AI has emerged as a prodigious force, creeping not so subtly into the very fabric of our society. Through the interconnected web of the internet, AI has gained a ubiquity that is unprecedented and unsettling. It learns from us, imitates us, and, in some ways, surpasses us.
What happens when the vast repository of digital data now readily available falls into the wrong hands? The False Prophet, equipped with the potency of artificial intelligence, could wield a power previously unimaginable—not merely influencing but controlling, not just observing but dictating, a world where every action, every decision, every thought is observed, analyzed, and regulated under a single, unifying network. As Edmund Burke warned, “The greater the power, the more dangerous the abuse.”
In a technologically advanced landscape, the reality of the “mark of the Beast” as described in Revelation 13:16-17 could feasibly take root. It could very well be an encoded, subdermal, digital identity, used to control the economic transactions and personal freedoms of every human being on earth. Such a dystopian world is no longer beyond the realm of imagination. The seeds have been sown and are growing fast, and the potential for a centralized worldwide system is more plausible than ever. Through the seemingly benign appeal of convenience, connectivity, and progress, the sinister underbelly of AI-controlled existence might gradually unfurl, paving the way for the ultimate deception.
As chilling as this sounds, this book is not a call to fear, but to understanding and vigilance. It is an invitation to discern the signs of the times and prepare for what lies ahead (Matthew 16:2-3). While the Antichrist and False Prophet will not take their perch on the global throne until after the Rapture, the early rumblings of their technocratic tyranny are already upon us. If the Lord does not return soon, rapid advancements in AI technology may result in a world that is entirely different than what most of us have experienced in our lifetimes.
As we progress through the following pages, we will navigate through the prophetic Scriptures, current technological trends, and their looming intersection. We will explore the implications of artificial intelligence, big data, and global digital connectivity on liberty, privacy, and morality. We will seek to discern what it means to live faithfully as Christians in the waning moments of the last days. And above all, we will sound a clarion call to unbelievers: Time is short. Trust in Jesus Christ as your Savior today!
What you just read in the opening paragraphs of this preface was a collaborative effort between myself and someone I have never met. Not only have I not met him, but I have also never spoken to him. In fact, my collaborator is not even a “he.” I composed the first part of this preface with the aid of an artificial intelligence system known as ChatGPT. I gave it the following prompt: “Your role is to be a Christian author writing an introductory chapter for your new book about how the False Prophet from the book of Revelation might use artificial intelligence to bring about a one-world system for global dominance.”
In answering the prompt, the AI showed an impressive grasp of the subject matter even though it did not always connect the theological dots smoothly. The AI’s solo draft also was repetitive in a few places, and its grammatical conventions were a bit clumsy. But after some edits and word substitutions, I was able to make the final draft, which you just read, sound more like something I would have written myself than it did in its raw form. Overall, the essay was solidly on point. I would not say, “I couldn’t have said it better myself,” but if I were sitting across the table from a friend at a coffee shop, and he worded it the way the AI originally composed its response, I would have replied, “Well said!”
I included my collaboration with the AI in this preface because I wanted to illustrate the intersection of AI technology and deception. Already thousands of authors, Christian and secular alike, have turned to AI to meet publishing deadlines and overcome the ever-present menace of writer’s block. In just a few short years, thanks to large language model (LLM) AI systems like OpenAI’s ChatGPT and Google’s Bard, the print and online publishing world has become a jumbled amalgamation of genuine and fallacious work product.
The challenge of distinguishing reality from virtual reality is by no means limited to the realm of written text. The tentacles of AI reach well beyond the applications of textually based LLM’s to include audio recordings, video productions, artwork, graphic design, and other arenas where trickery can easily hide, and verisimilitude can flourish. It is this ease with which artificial intelligence can engender subterfuge that makes it an ideal weapon in the hands of the future False Prophet.
At a time when deception will be rampant, a technology that amplifies deceitfulness will be extremely valuable in the hands of Satan’s earthly leaders. How will the False Prophet be able to convince the world that the Antichrist has godlike omniscience? What will persuade the citizens of the world during the tribulation to believe the image of the Antichrist is actually the Antichrist himself? How will the Beast and the False Prophet be able to feign vast amounts of power and control, simulating omnipresence? How will the slain Antichrist be resurrected? AI answers these questions and more.
In Spirit of the False Prophet: Rise of the Global Technocracy, I continue to explore the stage-setting events on the world scene that I examined in my two Spirit of the Antichrist books. In this book, we zoom in on the role of the False Prophet as he locks down the planet under the direction of the Antichrist. I am certain that Satan and his earthly accomplices will be no less displeased with the information disclosed in this book than they were the content of my Spirit of the Antichrist books.
As I recounted in the preface to Spirit of the Antichrist Volume Two, the presence of spiritual warfare as I write and speak about these matters is relentless. When I began putting pen to paper, or more accurately fingers to the keyboard, for this present book, the enemy reared his ugly head once again. In the summer of 2023, the front range region of Colorado where the NBW Ministries office is located faced weeks of unprecedented rain and flooding. Unfortunately, our home and ministry office did not escape unscathed. We suffered extensive and costly damage, the adverse effects of which we are still dealing with as this book goes to print.
Nevertheless, our faith remains stronger than ever as we watched the Lord provide and protect our family, ministry, and church time after time. The enemy’s attacks give God the opportunity to “show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him” (2 Chronicles 16:9). I am as resolute as I ever have been in my determination to spread the message of the Gospel and the soon coming of Jesus Christ far and wide, especially in these great last days of deception. Now more than ever, believers need to awaken to the stark reality of the spirit of the Antichrist and the spirit of the False Prophet which are all around us (1 John 4:1-3). Even more urgent is the need for unbelievers to come to faith in Christ.
As always, I encourage you to read this book with a critical eye and analyze everything through the lens of Scripture. Do not simply take my word for it. In my previous two books, some of you were exposed to realities you had never considered before. In this book, given the rapidly advancing nature of artificial intelligence, as well as other bleeding edge technologies, I suspect all of us, not just recent initiates to the subject of the Luciferian Conspiracy, will be grappling with novel subjects, terms, and concepts. And since the Luciferian smokescreen blinded me for many years, I have nothing but empathy for those who have not yet awakened to the obfuscation.
Before we begin, please allow me to mention a few housekeeping matters. First, this book presupposes a basic understanding of the Luciferian Conspiracy. I cover this extensively in Spirit of the Antichrist Volumes One and Two. If you are not familiar with it, I encourage you to read these previous two volumes. Because it is a critical underlying concept to the material covered in this present work, I will define it here for those who may not have read my other books. The “Luciferian Conspiracy” refers to Satan’s long-standing plot that began with his fall from Heaven and his attempt to take over this world and make it his own. It represents the evil side in the cosmic battle between good and evil, between God and Satan.
A “conspiracy” is any villainous plan, usually secretive, set forth by two or more entities to perpetrate a crime or commit evil. Satan’s co-conspirators in this grand conspiracy include demons and other evil spirits, as well as the global elite, who for centuries have represented Satan’s boots on the ground, his human accomplices, as he attempts to deceive the whole world (Revelation 12:9).
Second, throughout this volume, I will capitalize False Prophet whenever it refers to the Antichrist’s future sidekick, his second in command. When referring to false prophets in general, those who promote lies and false doctrines, I will not capitalize it.
Third, I am assuming most readers have a basic understanding of biblical eschatology. Realizing this may not be the case for everyone, I will do my best to clarify key eschatological terms and concepts as they arise. However, for those who desire or need a more detailed study of God’s end times plan as revealed in the Bible, I recommend my eschatology textbook, What Lies Ahead: A Biblical Overview of the End Times, available at NotByWorks.org/store.
Fourth, as you read this book, if you have questions or comments along the way, please reach out to me directly. My contact information can be found in the epilogue. Thank you for joining me as we dive into a subject few people have the desire or stomach to research.
False Narratives and False Prophets
The Definition of a False Prophet
The Demise of False Prophets
The Determination of False Prophets
Jesus’ Warnings about False Prophets
Church Age False Prophets
End Times False Prophets
Rule by Technology
A Good Idea Gone Bad
Worshipping at the Altar of Technology
Technocracy and Transhumanism
Global Hegemony
The Twilight of America
The Role of a 2iC
Infamous Consiglieri
U.S. Vice Presidents
What’s Good for the Goose…
Cohort of Klaus Schwab
Cheerleader for Globalism
Crusader for Technocracy
Champion of Transhumanism
Summary of Yuval Noah Harari
“I’m sorry Dave. I’m afraid I can’t do that.”
A Chat About ChatGPT
Definition and Origins of Artificial Intelligence
Threats of Artificial Intelligence
Manifestations of Artificial Intelligence
Jesus, the Bible, and Artificial Intelligence
Summary of Artificial Intelligence
Data Harvesting
Mind Control
Implantable Technology
All-Encompassing Surveillance
The Coming Global Digital ID
More Stick, Less Carrot
Money, Central Banks, and the United States
Hijacking America
Digital Currency
AI and Digital Currency
Fly Under the Radar
Developing a Preparedness Portfolio
Building a Preparedness Stockpile
The Misuse and Abuse of Romans 13
Fool Me Once…
Luciferians in Sheep’s Clothing
Technocratic Tyranny
Historical Henchmen, Lackeys, and Wingmen|
Yuval Noah Harari: A Wolf in Wolf’s Clothing
Artificial Intelligence: Science Fiction No Longer
Hacking and Tracking Humanity
Now You See It, Now You Don’t
Escaping the Prison Planet
The False Prophet’s Day of Reckoning